Sunday, November 4, 2012

Animal Encounter

Bottom Line:

I got away before the turkeys attacked.

 On my walk in the woods I came across this gathering of deer and turkeys.
I thought it would be interesting to play the Turkey call from my iPhone Audubon App.

The males became alert, fanned out their tail feathers and then started lining up.

I thought this was really neat until I noticed the turkey hens slowly walking away.

I decided that would be a good strategy for me too.

Getting in formation to attack

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Urban Art

photo.JPG by krsteiner
photo.JPG, a photo by krsteiner on Flickr.

I have driven by this 100's of times.
Yesterday I was lucky enough to be the passenger at a long stoplight

New face in Uptown

photo.JPG by krsteiner
photo.JPG, a photo by krsteiner on Flickr.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Grand Canyon

The first time I "saw" the Grand Canyon was when I was getting a ride back home from California with my aunt and her friends. I was 19 and would take long naps on the drive probably to avoid having to make conversation with my aged car mates. They woke me up at an overlook and I dragged myself over to the edge and peered over. The canyon was big. I went back to sleep. This trip I was more mature and more appreciative. Bill and I spent 4 days hiking and appreciating the views and the wildlife.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Begins

Things I saw this weekend:

  • A male cardinal feeding his mate.

  • A muskrat sunning on a log.

  • Herons and egrets

  • A pair of Thrashers courting

  • Bufflehead ducks

  • Turtles enjoying the sun

  • Deer nuzzling

  • The awakening of the forest floor

Great time of year.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Woody at Work

During a restful walk at Dodge Nature Center today,

I heard loud knocking and saw guy hard a work.