Saturday, December 4, 2010


It is hard not to feel a connection to animals. ( except of course squirrels and cockroaches)

I have been lucky to see many in my walks lately.

There is a huge community of robins that winter along the creek below Minnehaha falls.

Today they were very active. Some were bathing in the creek!

Any ideas as to the identity of this mystery animal I saw running along the creek?

It seemed larger than a mink but smaller than I fisher.

I am guessing it was a big mink.

These beauties are hanging out at Sucker lake .
I think they are Tundra swans.

Red-bellied Woodpecker

A little off-topic but too cute to exclude.

This crow was making the case that he is not a water fowl.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

and knowing how smart crows are, I am very sure he could read the sign....

Beautiful pictures.

Our family is not quiet enough on our walks to EVER see a wild animal or bird....even petting zoos empty out when we approach...